not cool person who thinks is smart, and in her free time she is Hannah Montana
Hannah sings like Hannah Montana
A day of reinlightment, extra curricular activities and refreshment. Something you may do when you are feeling a bit bored of Perth, or a over yourself!
I need a Hannah Haha day
A Hannah Wallbank is a tall girl who is very weird. You're lucky to be friends with her as she will always care for you but don't get on her bad side! she knows karate.
woah! that lampost is tall, must be a hannah wallbank!
Hannah Pierce is the greatest person you’ll ever get the chance to meet. She’s funny, she’s smart, and she’ll kick your ass at MarioKart. She will do anything for her friends, and expects nothing in return. She has the most gorgeous eyes, and is always doing something new with her hair or style. She is a very intense person, so she’ll either love you or hate you... so don’t wrong her! She can light up the room just by being in it, and she can make you laugh when you’re crying. Hannah Pierce is the coolest person ever, and you would feel lucky to know her.
“Look at this girl’s instagram, it’s so aesthetically pleasing!”
“Who is that?”
“It’s Hannah Pierce, obviously!”
Extreamly gay male whos part of a nazi group.
Hey look its hannah(woah) he must be very gay