(v.) The act of using one's chivalric qualities to swoon a lady and eventually bang her like she stole something. Shortly after, the triumphant male flees the scene a better man.
Brandon: Dude, so you don't like her, but she's really hot, right?
Nick: Well...yea.
Brandon: So why don't you just beat n skeet?
Nick: Haha. You're right.
29๐ 11๐
To get dressed up to the nines and head out for a night on the town
'Aiite fella, get yourself all Gucci'd up. Tonight we're gonna suit it n' boot it!'
33๐ 14๐
Shortened from "drunk and in love" meaning to have a crush on someone while intoxicated.
I am drunk 'n love with that girl, but she is probably ugly to a sober person.
33๐ 14๐
1) A fat woman that you wouldn't mind given a whirl!
2) My girlfriend Shannon
"Damn, what a fucken big n' Tasty"
"i'm tired of fucking big n' tasties, I need myself a fine piece of ass"
16๐ 4๐
an alternative rock / pop band, often described as indie, that spread to fame on the back of demos hosted on a blog. spread between indie kids in a matter of weeks, and by the time i discovered them through their debut LP 'The Loon' they were 'old.'
damn indie kids, they work too fast and i cant keep up.
tapes n tapes are refreshing, albeit a bit similar to other bands that i wont mention for sake of flaming.
regardless, The Loon is a fantastic album and the band is deserving of the hype.
14๐ 4๐
A car comprised of two halves from other cars welded in the centre and repainted to sell to others. Usually structurally unsound after the process and dangerous to use.
"My mate Tommy does cut n shuts. Last week he welded a Ford Focus and a Rover 400 together. He made a few bob selling it to some old lady."
83๐ 40๐
Any fast food establishment serving things of dubious quality.
ie McDonalds, burger king,or those random little places on the corner...
Hey im gonna stop at the choke'n'puke and get a cartlidge burger!
42๐ 18๐