Big dick energy. Noah has heavy ass dick game. He will leave you on the floor crying after sex. Other than his other amazing features like his humor and his looks, he will most definitely have your legs wet.
“Oh my gosh look at Noah” “He makes me so wet and he’s only 50ft away”
Noah is sexy beast who stomps girls heads in he is all powerful and mighty he always gets the girls he rules Port Coquitlam with his powerful and mighty DONG. The only person that the great noah of the ark bows down to is the great Daniel pugsley. Daniel pugsley is the greatest and most powerful being to walk this planet see more on Daniel pugsley page 44 back to noah. Noah is great with the guys and girls noah knows what’s up
Becky: omg is that noah
Jade: yea it is
Becky: I hear noah only bows down to his master the great Daniel pugsley
Jade:Noah is good
Noah is someone who can frustrate you to the ends of the earth when he tries to prove his toughness and manliness but only ends up hurting those around him. He is loud and boisterous and loves interrupting people. He seems to have no regard for people but on the inside, he is the most caring, compassionate and warm person in the whole wide world. At times he is your worst enemy and at others your best friend. He is someone you can trust your secrets with(with caution) and always pulls through right when you need him. He is someone you can love and hate and love again. Loving him is like a rollercoaster. The type of ones you throw up at the end of but are creaming with fear, and laughing with joy while you're on it. In the end, no matter how much he makes you want to rip your hair out, never let him go because you'll never find another like him.
The biggest legend in all of the universe the amount of pussy this man gets is insane you know people like Leonardo DiCaprio you know how he gets a lot of pussy well Noah gets 10x the amount the man's big dick energy is mental his dick is a reported 12 inches long when you look in ancient hyroglyphics you can see visions of the god that is Noah
Jim: hey yo I'm about to go get some mad pussy dude
Jon: yeah right nothing to what the god Noah gets
Noah is generally a great guy but always talks about how he can do stuff above his skill level and always hypes himself up around his friends.
1) A very weird human being (if he's human at all). He is the kind of guy who eats plastic fruit and keeps a raccoon that he found in the driveway eating broken glass as a pet. Noah likes to look at himself in the mirror with women's clothes on... creepy... He also tries to get women by bragging about how many gallons of raw eggs he can down in 20 minutes. He's a demon on the dance floor, though. This man invented the Double-Fidget-Spinner-Hoverboard-Airhorn-360-Noscope-Dabbing-Backflip-Whip. Seriously.
1) to try to dab while riding your pet dog like a horse.
2) to be an overall terrible human being.
1) Did you see Noah eat that butterfly? Creepy.
2) Dude, don't go all Noah on us
an Indian white boy who makes jokes about Mexican Asian people for thinking that sushi is a burrito and dipping sauce is Donald trumps Dorito flakes on his face
Noah is an aidsical