to chase after a means of sexual intercourse
Brandon: I gonna see if that slut Janie'll sleep with me.
Kyle: Yea, you get that fruit, boy.
If something Fruits your loops it makes you feel good, happy, or content.
Do whatever makes you happy, whatever Fruits Your Loops!
Friction fruit are the fruity bumps and residual fruit cause by fucking someone
through a hole in edible panties. Friction fruit can be enjoyed by the receiving partner as friction bumps or a tasty treat. The overall species is native to North America but very depending on which flavor you choose.
Aye Brooke! Do you want me the peel the friction fruit now?
Brooke: Nah, let's let em ripen a little bit and I'll eat them off the vine when you're done.
Me: You better save me one baby.
Catriona forbidden fruit
Catriona forbidden fruit
Peaches... because they look like a booty
We've got a huge basket of booty fruit!
Another term for hemorrhoids.
I was with this guy last night he had the most juicy booty fruit. I sucked on them all night