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indigo girls

Amy Ray and Emily Sailiers make up the Indigo Girls, an extremely talented musical duo of singer/songwriters.

The Indigo Girls are such a great band!!

by junkyard88 February 17, 2011

36πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


known to squeal, giggle, scream, and stay up to ungodly hours of the night obsessing over, but not limited to: a book, tv show, movie, or some excessively hot celebrity

My boyfriend does not appreciate me being fan-girly over other men.

by Una Bella Flor December 22, 2006

36πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Deadbeat Girl

Sort of like a deadbeat father. This girl has nothing to offer and cannot do anything at all for a guy. She probably sponges off of him and gives nothing in return. Basically This girl cannot better any mans life and is a waste of time. More times than not, she is a crazy, party girl.

Hey Jay. What happened with you and your girlfriend?

She turned out to be a deadbeat girl, so we broke up.

by *EsKay09* January 5, 2010

35πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

girls lacrosse

where girls go to kick ass.

β€œ girls lacrosse is stupid and girls who play”

β€œwhy aren’t you playing it then?”

by Asskdjdbwainfbehqkwkdhek May 19, 2018

26πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

buff girl

Supremly strong female. One having no feelings of remorse or concern for those who don't appreciate her muscly muscles. Strong, focused female who is determined to be healthy and work for what she wants in life.

Jessica: Who's that girl who over there lifting weight and wearing those bad ass clothes?
Jane: Oh, that's a Buff Girl. She's legit

by Chadwick February 23, 2015

26πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Tinder girl

A girl that uses tinder to get attention from men and doesn't intend to ever meet anyone. Often resorts to saying things like I'm looking for friends, leading men on, and even getting free meals from them on the pretence of it being a date.

That chick Noelle is a real typical tinder girl, all she cares about is getting instagram and Snapchat followers.

by Bakingbikiniz March 2, 2017

28πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

southlake girls

Rich white girls that think being orange is attractive. Southlake girls will most likely say the n word while recording it and post it on Twitter

Well you see I would go out, but there are too many Southlake girls that I would confuse for Oompa Loompas

by JurassicsAlt November 27, 2018

53πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž