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Pineapple Pizza Apologist

Anyone who fiercely defends this abomination to pizza, to the point of appearing arrogant, condescending, and dismissive towards others with more sensible palettes.

Post: "You only hate pineapple pizza because of social media"
Person 1 showing post to person 2: "Yup looks like we have another pineapple pizza apologist on the lose"

by pwnagephake November 14, 2022

Cumbubble Pizza Rager

A party where you and your bros blow cumbubbles out each others asses and eat fresh smegma topping pizza while circle jerking in a game of twister.

Dude that cumbubble pizza rager at chad's was off the hook.

by Skater550 March 31, 2017

Chicago Style Pizza

An overrated loaf of bread with a sludge and grease in the middle. Better classified as a quiche.

One Chicago Style Pizza will feed a pond of ducks for a year.

by Diego Mendez January 28, 2008

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Among Us pizza

When you get your sussy sauce on somebody then put pizza toppings on them

I made your mom into an among us pizza last night

by XxBabyEaterxX September 6, 2022

5๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

pissa your pizza

When you bake a pizza and piss in the sauce or some other liquid ingrediant.

Hey, I pissa your pizza!

by spartanm18 January 4, 2010

4๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

wrecking ball pizza

that moment when you find yourself masturbating to Miley Cyrus on a wrecking ball and you wrap a pizza around your dick

when paul walked in daves house he cought dave doing the wrecking ball pizza

by a crazy guy October 30, 2015

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Turkish pizza delivery

when someone shaves their pubes in someones mouth

I did a turkish pizza delivery to that bitch

by KebabaNoHerp January 11, 2017

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