Must like a Dutch oven, this is performed with your Asian significant other, after having Asian food.
Man, Tony gave me a hot pot central last night!
We were laying in bed and he just one rip and then covered my head with the blanket. It was so bad, lucky bamboo wilted.
From morality and moral values to amorality ans atheism
When you have Massachusetts having topless individuals selling you pot you know you've gone from Pilgrims to Pot. To hell in a handbasket.
A pot with Jingle bells Its self explanatory.....................................................................................U wasted time
That's a nice Jingle Pot
When you smoke pot and a few minutes later pass smooth out. Almost like you die and then come back to life.
Last night I was smoking pot with my friends, then all the sudden sherri had a pot attack, we thought she died.
Jail term for having a shot of heroin.
Brother come back to the sell for a continental hot pot .
When two finalist have no faith in their own team so they decide to split the pot before the final so they each win.
Rhys is playing Riley in the 2021 Fantasy Football Championship.
Rhys: “Hey Riley how about we split the pot 50/50 so we both win, I have no confidence in my ability to win this final.”
Riley: “Wow Rhys, great idea! I had no faith in my ability to win either. Splitting this pot before the game is against all fantasy football morals and I am down.”
*Both pot-splitters proceed to scissor each other*
Girls love weed as much as dudes but some may just not like going through the hustle of getting some. A princess of pot is that girl who likes hanging around people (mostly dudes) who are smoking weed at the time and smokes in the circle every time but never buys her own or herself. She therefore gets what she wants each time like a princess.
Essie is the princess of pot in the squad. She's lucky she's Brad's girlfriend otherwise we wouldn't let her in the trap house.