A crappy school full of rasicts and spoiled girls.
Point clare public school is full of rasicts and rude people
Bastardization of the term 'Brownie points'.
The term refers to how close a man is to being allowed anal sex by his partner. Brown-eye points being earned by good deeds and therefore having more of them means the likelyhood of being allowed the sexual act is greater.
Guy 1: My wife still won't let me try anal.
Guy 2: Obviously you haven't earned enough brown-eye points yet.
whenever there's "the point of no return" there is no chance and there is no turning back from a decision you are going to make
person 1: i'm gonna drink 9 bottles of beer
person 2: do that shit and you'll go to the point of no return
(not to be confused with man points): points that men, especially married men, get for doing typically female tasks like cooking, cleaning the house, taking the kids to school, etc.
husband: Lily, dinner is ready
Lily: lol, that's an improvement, dinner was actually ready before I came home from work. So lol, that qualifies you for 5 women points, for a total, of let's see (starts counting).. 25 this week.
husband: yay, i have a total of 25 women points this week. Let's see if i can get more next week.
(the wife now kisses and hugs the husband).
when you help your friend move for 'beer & pizza' aka the pay back scale is never even for favor/job done. but for the sake of friendship
Thanks for watching our puppy while we're away for two months on such short notice, you've earned some serious friend points. We'll get you something from the trip to show our appreciation!
A slut point, is an increase on a persons final rating (out of ten), based on their sex drive.
Steve: What would you rate Jess?
Andy: Including a Slut Point, id give her a seven
Definition: A Slut Point, is an increase on a persons final rating (out of ten), based on their sex drive.
When something is so good and true.
Yo that girl over there is point blank!