Source Code

double wall bang

When you fuck someone against a wall TWICE!

Person 1: What happened?
Person 2: I got double wall banged

by CommitDeletus June 28, 2020

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build a wall workshop

Build-A-Bear workshop, trump style

Donald Trump uses build a wall workshop to create his walls.

by IR2BMLGX420BLAZEIT February 23, 2018

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a phrase used when you feel exausted because your assistant is taking care of a huge workload and you sit on your butt

merry felt that she and her assistant were both balls to the wall when they had a lot of work to do and her assistant did all the work

by fortatkinsonknowitall April 13, 2007

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from the window to the wall

Originally Used in the Song "Get Low" by Lil Jon and The Eastside Boys
Usually just refers to people pointing in two different directions while dancing to the song.

From the Windoooooow to the Wall,
Till the sweat drops down my balls BALLS!

by DUbman June 30, 2004

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Reverse Berlin wall

The wall between the U.S. and Mexico that was built to keep people out of the U.S. most of the people coming into the U.S. just want a better life for themselves and the U.S. makes them into criminals. some people die trying to get here. The term Reverse Berlin wall gives the connotation of the cruelty of the wall.

some more people died trying to get past the Reverse Berlin wall.

by Deep Blue 2012 July 14, 2009

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going over the wall

Hanging out with a friend's ex, even as friends.

Person A: Don't tell anyone, but I went shopping with Will's ex Rachel. She's just so cool!
Person B: Wow. Going over the wall. Bold statement.

by goofing off March 7, 2006

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Wall Unit of Destiny

A large, indestructible, fortified box looking shelter, only accessible by the "Mecha" breed. completely indestructible by all forces, the Wall Unit of Destiny will remain unscathed for life. Although the Wall Unit of Destiny is indestructible, it is the doorway to a separate dimension in which anything or anyone that Mecha does not approve of is instantaneously by the space time continuum, extremely high pressure, low pressure, loss or gain of heat, and the crush of gravity. as Galileo said, "the Wall Unit of Destiny is the most in accessible place in the super-verse"

Scientist: "it's twenty twelve. we're all going to die!"

Scientist #2: "not if we get to the Wall Unit of Destiny were not!"

by Johnathan taylor Jr. August 28, 2010

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