Challenge that vet students undertake at the annual AVS "sports" weekend where they aim to get with at least one student from all other vet schools that came. Variations include shagging one from each school, or getting with someone from each year of each vet school.
Person A - "where the fuck are the Cambridge girls i wanna complete the AVS Challenge"
Person B - "stuck up cunts wouldn't get off with you anyway you're not from Cambridge"
When you try to convince your friend to say sus commonly found on tiktok an example of the sus challenge is “say pegasus but replace the P with an M
Hey Andrew have you seen the Sus Challenge on tiktok
the act of shooting oneself with a 12 gauge shotgun, usually with the motive of suicide
when dan walked in on his girlfriend making love to another man in his own apartment, he decided to take the 12 gauge challenge
The act of pooping out a flaccid penis.
He fell asleep on top of me when he was done, I gave him the Colgate challenge and snuck out.
A challenge where you must dissapear off of all social media for a set period of time (Usually over a week)
Person 1: I'm depressed because of social media
Person 2: Why not take the Tom challenge ?
The difficult undertaking of initiating masturbation at the start of the 2002 classic film, About Schmidt, with the intent to maintain arousal into the movie, with completion occurring at the infamous, Kathy Bates hot tube scene. Challengers must maintain arousal until completion, which must occur during that scene.
Mark: Jim? What's wrong??
Jim: Yeah, I just attempted the "About Schmidt" Challenge, and failed.
Mark: Bummer, I know how much this means to you. Well, how far did you get?
Jim: I was only able to get to the old lady's funeral, and then I released prematurely.
Mark: Now hey, that a new personal record for you. I've never even gotten past the "breakfast in the RV" scene. Baby steps!
Jim: Yeah mane, I guess we have a lot of work ahead of us!
Mark: Heros get remembered, but the Legends never die.
The John Wilkinson Bowl Challenge Consists Of: A Bowl Filled With One Gram Of Indica Like Purp, Some Keef (enough to cover the top and cigarette tobacco, enough to cover middle of the bowl. You Pack it, Light it and In Order To Successfully Complete The John Wilkinson Bowl Challenge You Have To Clear The Whole Bowl In One Hit and Exhale A Haze Of Smoke Thick Enough To Cover Your Surrounding Enviorment, Like Your Face.
Person 1: John Smoked A Whole Bowl Of 1 Gram Of Weed, Keef, And Tobacco yet some how manage to clear it in ONE HIT!
Person 2: Thats crazy! The John Wilkinson Bowl Challenge FTW!