Definition: a word used to describe a outing room or subject that is over abundant with white people
I’m sorry man, I won’t make it to the party in time. I’m stuck with a Cracker Barrel
White, racist “Karen” style doctor who makes life hell for each of his Black patients
Ugh! This racist Cracker Quack won’t sign my sick leave form even though my guts have fallen out. I can’t work ummm because my guts have literally fallen out! But now I won’t get paid because of this racist Cracker Quack doctor!
British cockney slang for "nackered", meaning extremely tired or worn out.
"Wow, I'm feelin so Cream-crackered soon I might be brown bread!
A mix between Mexican and white.
Person: If I were to be racist to you, what could I call you?
Me: A Caramel Cracker!
A group of men ejaculate in side the bottle and the person that ejaculates last has to drink it and eat it.
Ryan played soggy cracker bottle and lost so he had to drink it and eat it
A phrase that shows that people are often draw away from their normal flow of life by seemingly good things. Either for improvement or for their downfall.
"Hey john did you hear about alex's new girlfriend? she's really fixed him up!"
"Hey swimming ducks are drawn to shore by crackers."
"Hey did you see that alex got his car stolen by that seemingly nice guy!"
"ahh, Swimming ducks are drawn to shore by crackers."