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Hot Load

1. A round of ammunition that has been loaded with extra gunpowder for extra power.

2. The act of when a man squeezes (or pinches off) his penis during most of an orgasm to prevent ejaculation, letting go just at the last pulse of the orgasm, which produces one huge explosion of sperm, instead of a few mediocre spurts. This produces a money shot that most porn stars would kill for.

1. Hot loaded ammunition can be dangerous, causing misfires, damaged guns, etc.

2. My girl was giving me head, then I pulled back and gave her a Hot Load, but I aimed it for her face and it was so strong that it broke her nose.

by Beer Is Good For You June 18, 2006

80๐Ÿ‘ 39๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hot Fuck

Being incredibly good-looking

He's a hot fuck!

by Alison October 21, 2003

102๐Ÿ‘ 53๐Ÿ‘Ž

hotness monster

A cute play off of the "Lochness monster". A hotness monster is a man or woman who is sizzling and near unattainable. He/she is the royalty of hotness. (Origin: Ottawa, Canada)

Whoa! Hotness. She's a hotness monster!!

by Jeanne August 26, 2004

35๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hot Topic

A store which we should have in England too because damnit I need spongebob socks...

People say a lot of stuff about 'punks' and 'posers' but for fucks sake a store is a store and anyone who buys their entire wardrobe in one place is an idiot anyway.

"I got a new shirt from Hot Topic."
"Uh.. so?"
"It's a nice shirt!"

by Lady Meep December 29, 2004

35๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž

hot topic

A diverse store that has Metal T-Shirts, Nirvana memorabilia, gay pride stickers, clothes w/ sharp stuff sticking out of them, and weird little characters like Happy Bunny and Eve L.
Also frequented by 12-ish year old females that like to express themselves by wearing net-sleeved shirts, black jelly bracelets, and put Happy Bunny patches on their backbacks. Pretty much everyone at my school wears something from there.

Me: Why are you shopping at Hot Topic?
Rebellious Teenage Girl: To piss off my upstanding, Christian parents.

by Heightling Power April 9, 2004

101๐Ÿ‘ 53๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hot Pocket

White man who wears a red hat and is an ass hole

Go fuck yourself hot pocket!

by Aleksander12 February 15, 2014

487๐Ÿ‘ 292๐Ÿ‘Ž

hot rod

A fast car, mostly home-built from the 20's to the 40's

A 1932 Ford highboy roadster is the quintesential hot rod

by Scott December 11, 2004

260๐Ÿ‘ 148๐Ÿ‘Ž