An unlikeable asshole, edgelord, or misfit.
Get a load of this sigma male douche.
A man whose online (or augmented reality) personality usurps his real-life physical presence, charisma, social status and self-worth. For these reasons, meta males usually spend considerable time pursuing virtual achievements compared to real ones. Meta males are often beta keyboard warrior simps with few redeemable qualities to contribute to society.
Greg: "Has anyone seen Jason lately? I haven't been able to steal his lunch money for weeks, I've had to resort to actually bringing my own lunch to school."
Steve: Jason is such a meta male, he spends all of his time on second life.
Pronunciation: /meɪl kəˈnɛktər/ (This is a suggested phonetic pronunciation)
1. Male Connector (phrase, noun) - This component is designed to connect electronic modules or circuits. It characterized a male connector by its protruding pins or prongs intended to be inserted into a corresponding female connector, thereby establishing an electrical connection.
• It clearly defines a “male connector” in the field of electronics.
• It highlights its role in creating electrical connections between components.
• It emphasizes the physical structure (protruding pins) that distinguishes it.
• It indicates its function as part of a system, working in conjunction with a female connector.
• “The male connector on the cable plugs into the port on the device.”
• “The technician verified the integrity of the male connectors before installing the circuit board.”
• “This male connector is designed for high-voltage application and requires special care during use.”
• ” The male connectors and the female connectors were not compatible.”
• “They had to replace the corroded male connector on the main board.”
A man who doesn't wash his foreskin and has tons of accumulated smeg
Kyran has a male cheesecake
someone who does nothing productive and snoozes
person 1: yo bro have you finished the job
person 2 (snoozer): nah sorry i was snoozing
person 1: man youre such a snoozer male
a male that is well-rounded, but very irrational
Person 1 is a Pi Male