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Can we ban this guy?

when someone says something so cringe they should be banned from the server

paul : i like femboys
panic : Can we ban this guy?
wifi : but he likes me...

by morbinmogus March 24, 2022

Penguin who can fly

Calling someone a penguin who can fly is like saying you existence should be meaning they are to advanced for humanity it is used in a positive way

How do you do that your like a penguin who can fly!

by Cy_ January 2, 2021

I can change you

When a straight male think he's hot enough to make a lesbian straight (he's not)

Straight male: You're lesbian?
Lesbian: yeah
Straight male: I can change you
Lesbian: no, but I can punch you in the middle of your ugly face

by Kittyferns June 2, 2023

trash canned cake bag

your brother boasting about how ripped they are

brother: look at my six pack
you: shut up you trash canned cake bag

by lil pepe's lil brother May 9, 2018

Can you feel the electricity?

A catchphrase of a backyard wrestler, clearly ripped off from The Rock.

Terry: Hey, dude, what's up?

Me: *Standing on top of a ladder* CAN YOU FEEL THE ELECTRICITY?!

by ryanthunder July 19, 2012

you can stop now

for a person to make something come to an end at this moment

me: name some vegetables
friend: carrot, onion, lettuce...
me: thanks
friend: ...green pepper, spinach broccoli
me: you can stop now

by 123random123 January 1, 2021

can I get a piece

1. A sexual inquisition.
2. Also a request for props typically immediately following a success of some sort.

Can I get a piece of that ass?

by Giganerd April 25, 2004