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Sexy Buffalo Wings

Buffalo wings that are so spicy that it gives you a boner.

Tim: Wow, those buffalo wings were hot!
John: Yeah. I think they were sexy buffalo wings.
*Tim and John immediately get a 7 inch boner*

by MasterOfStats April 9, 2018

Verbal Wing Chun

To preemptively verbally coax a would be attacker into showing his strengths and weakness, defining the differences and center of the verbal confrontation and then attacking the center full force whilst protecting your own with the hand of Buddha. Often combining the would be attackers verbal assault into your own all preemptively, internally, emotionally , and then destroying the attacker without saying a single word.

When under pressure often combined with talking with the hand ask the hand street slang, and sometimes the deadly spitting cobra when one may spit in the face at any such challengers.

dont mess with that snake he wing verbal wing chun you

I will beat the hell out of you, what with , boxing ? (verbal wing chun basic counter attack)

You have a problem with my verbal wing chun style, whats your style?

So you learned what verbal style ? pah i learned that as a kid

stay over there and i will verbal wing chun you, come over here and get the real thing !

here hold by arm if you dont like what i have to say

by wing chun 2000+ May 8, 2011

1👍 3👎

wing napkin

When Schmidt uses a woman to clean himself.

Schmidt used that jawn at the club like a dirty wing napkin.

by 3rayif November 28, 2016


The bat-wing is the result of stretching the skin of one’s scrotum, without the testicles, forming a wrinkled, veiny and translucent flap of skin that resembles the wing of a bat.

I lowered the zipper of my pant’s fly and stretched my bat-wings out.

by Lickity_slitickitty July 4, 2020

Bat Wings

When a female (preferably) or male has excess fat under his/her upper arm that droops down, making it look like they have 'bat wings'.

girl 1 :damn, did you see Ashley's new post?
girl 2: yes!! she was showing off her bat wings, lol
girl 1: ya it was prettyyy disturbing...

by bmw_ily March 10, 2020

Bat Wings

Large labia minora resembling a bat’s wings.

Her bat wings flapped so hard when she queefed I thought she was going to fly up the chimney.

by thecrewben September 22, 2019

Bat Wing

When your hot sticky sweaty hairless balls stuck to your thighs. And the sack gets stretched out so it looks like a bat wing.

Look at saggy bottoms bat wing that crack head needs to wash his ass

by Dome piece February 26, 2022