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smuchest person ever

Smuchest is derived from the word smuch, which comes from the mispronunciation of so smuch.
Smuchness is how amazing, wonderful, smart, loving, caring, understanding, etc a person is.

So, the smuchest person ever is the person who exemplifies these characteristics the most.

Antonia is the smuchest person ever.

by Smuchestpersonever October 29, 2023

Pro Sublime Person

Sublime people are people who don't support BLM protest, Feminism, Trans Genders and Members of LGBTQ community. Sublimity can also mean perfection which implies that these people are also how God meant for everyone to be.

A: I'm a pro sublime person.
B: I'm an LGBTQ member.
A: (proceeds to punch person "B" in the face)...

by Sakila420 July 24, 2021

Most Perfect Person

The most perfect person is Tarkov, also known as Luka’s pretty boy. They’re amazing, adorable, and so much more.

“Do you know the most perfect person?”
“Yeah! His name is Tarkov. They’re really cute, too!”

by Ɛ>luka<3 December 16, 2022

personality of a six pack

Combination form of a Jock and a Douche.
Egotistical, arrogant, self serving individual.
Must be the center of attention at all times.
Relies on their looks to get through life.
Freeloader extraordinaire.
Will lie to achieve their goal.
Has had everything (for the most part), paid for or given to them.
Looking for an easy life without putting in the effort to earn it.
Expects everything without offering anything in return.

Most Dropouts Have the personality of a six pack.

by LostinYonkers July 19, 2014

a person below 5’8

the only emotions these females have is anger.it’s really terrifying meeting them irl after you talked to them on discord for literal years.because you’re not used to seeing an ant talk to you.overall cool people.

dude wtf is wrong with that girl? why is she so mad?”
“don’t pay attention she’s just a person below 5’8”

by Sensei- July 22, 2021

the swaggiest person ever

it’s me. POG

man they are the swaggiest person ever

by cultsmaid December 7, 2020

Hispanic Personality Disorder

Hispanic personality disorder is a mental health problem in which the individual affected may start preparing tacos and fajitas in a lasting trance that can extend for up to 24 hours. In more severe cases of the disorder, trances can last up to 3 days. In the severe cases, enchiladas may be prepared, this is when the disorder is at its worst.

"Where did all these tacos come from?"
"Oh God I'm sorry, it's Julia, she has Hispanic personality disorder"

by Consuela De Maria December 3, 2016