a seemingly innocent and pure soul being changed into an evil & mighty soul forever
He was devilated by the book and turned into a monster. He goes all evil now.
The act of eating a Carolina Reaper and then right after you consume it you perform oral sex on a woman in turn burning not only your own mouth but also her vagina.
My girlfriend cheated on me to I gave her the devil's tounge punch to show her who's boss!
When a taquito or pizza roll shoots the molten insides to the back of your throat
Dude! Don’t eat those taquitos straight out of the oven, they’ll give you the devils cumshot!
The name for tarot coined by pearl-clutching midwest church goers...
Those kids are using the devil's uno again
slang term inspired by the well-known
colloquialism 'devil's lettuce.'
Refers to hard drugs that reduce down to a white powder resembling dandruff
(Ex: meth, cocaine, & apparently some type of heroin)
Next time JimBob asks if I want to smoke the devil's dandruff with him, I'll run in the other direction. If he follows me then I'll break his meth pipe, and he'll probably break my nose.
When you have to take a poopie but the (likely piss laden) seat is up so you’re forced to.....touch it / kick down with your shoes. In the same family as “witch’s kiss” (look it up)
Honestly the restaurant was beautiful, but that cream sauce really got to me and someone left the toilet seat up... The devil’s drop was forced upon me. 🚽 👿
The howling winds, birds, and hogs. The encircling razor sharp reefs. That's the Devils Isle! "My ship may not dare make toe on them' shores."