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Jam Baby

A Jam Baby is the aborted or miscarried foetus of an infant.

Tulisa said Sarah's had a jam baby.

by Doctor ReZ September 21, 2012

jam rat

A used fanny rat

"Man, this is heavy. 23rd Jam rat today!!"

by jokes a plenty April 7, 2009

[Finger Jam Riff Sliding]

When you play air guitar to the new metallica song

dude i was listening to the new metallica song and i was total Finger jam riff sliding

other dude: you freak

by super sweet andrew August 29, 2008

Tickle jam

When a female excretes a sticky jam like substance from her lady lips when you tickle around the inside of her flaps

I stroked her lady lips until she gushed tickle jam

by Ham wedge July 24, 2022

Tusky Valley Traffic Jam

The experience of having poop in the intestines inhibit anal penetration with a penis or a sex toy.

That girl I met last night let me try anal but I ran into a Tusky Valley Traffic Jam so I couldn't get it in all the way.

by 011000110 July 18, 2022

jam jam lolo

When two or multiple men or boys are playing with eeach others lightsabers

Last night Tanveer and ragu were playing jam jam lolo

by ĐM¹๛「シHʂ」 July 15, 2023

Guatemalan Toe Jam

When you perform anal with your girl using your big toe, swirling it around until you get all the remnants out.

“Heard Sally let Jerry collect some Guatemalan Toe Jam last night.”

by LifesAJ_O_K_E June 23, 2023