Source Code

yer face

Said after haha when you are insulting an ugly person. What some believe to be the highest form of witt, hummhummhumm, also others would disagree. Started from the ugliness of 'Eidy. Yer being the Dundonian for your, and face meaning the front of your head.

RRRRRRRRRRRR'Eidy yer ugly, HAAHAAAAA yer face!!!!!!

by Thommo January 10, 2005

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bloody face

when your eatin a gurl out. and she starts her period in your mouth.

Dude i was eatin this gurl out last night and the bitch gave me a bloody face.

by Adam aka 1337 October 3, 2007

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A religion in which one beleives that face, the nick-jr. character, is god and will judge all after they die.

"In Face-ism, face judges you 'your going to hell, br br br brrrrrrr'."

by Cluadio August 18, 2008

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To imbibe, mass quantities of alcohol leading to ones most awesomeness, and or most epic night ever, like beating a volvo, or elbow dropping a bush, pukeing in a fake tree in a bar in a foregn country

Person A: dude, did you see brandon?
Person B: no, why?
Person A:he was so webb-faced
That guy killed a secret service agent with his dick. He was so Webb-faced

by webbsaw April 28, 2011

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Lenny face

( อกยฐ อœส– อกยฐ)

person: "stop using Lenny faces, y/n! "

you: "( อกยฐ อœส– อกยฐ)"

by joyful coffee June 15, 2021

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(noun)- When someone updates their status and/or posts on their Facebook profile, and as a result, receives 10, or maybe even 100's of replies -yes it's possible- commenting on that very same status.

1. (Girl/boy thinking to herself) Hmm.. what should I post which will give me lots of Face-attention?

2. Wow I got 60 replies after posting a video of Kanye dissing Taylor Swift! Sweet! Face-attention! What I crave most!

3. I feel so unloved....no one ever gives me Face-attention!

by Peanutbuttersnaps October 3, 2009

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While chatting up a fine young lady the male (aka peter mckibbon) may be spotted grinning in such a sleazy fashion that his face is formed into a canoe-like shape.

"Get the fuck away from me you sleaze...you fucking face-canoe!"

by alex thurlow March 9, 2004

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