When two female dogs rape each other.
"Hey, those dogs are bitch bashing... CALL PETA."
A thing a group of friends talk about to vent their frustration about people in their lives after a rough week and other things that weighed heavily on their minds.
My mom and I had our weekly bitch bashing after I had a hard day at work.
a stupid ass dumb bitch, also known as Gaige Coose, is someone who claims to have no bitches on his dick when he actually does
Damn Gaige really said he doesn’t have any birches on his dick again? He really is a stupid ass dumb bitch.
A person that talks alot of shit but doesnt got the fight to back it up
Damn that buck ass bitch down the street always talkin shit but never wanna fight
Bad ass female
Tough. Puts guys to shame with her strength.
The way she’s moving those bricks that’s one “buck ass bitch”
A term originated from a prank that consists of putting ice in ones drawers/ bed. Later when the victim tries to get some socks or go to bed to notice that it is cold and wet. With the latter the victim is forced to sleep on his couch. The contemporary view of the term has however evolved into any prank played on a person whilst they are away.
"I totally iced Dan's bed while he was at work, now he'll have to sleep on the couch, Iced Bitch!"
"When Mike returned home from dinner he noticed that his facebook had been iced.... iced bitch."
National lil hair lying no dad having ass bitch day is the best day for my ex
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