a dumb cringy virgin who only watches anime and does not leave their house and very ugly and very fat
the person who typed you in Urban Dictionary
you looked on Urban Dictionary
the most amazing person ever. i LOVE THEM <3. if you ever see this person give them the biggest hug ever and tell them they're amazing . they make my life a better place and it wouldn't be the same without them.
person 1 :how are you doing today?
person 2 : AMAZING !
person 1 : great but how come?
person 2 : i saw 'you'
person 1 : OMG THATS AMAZING I LOVE 'you'
You, referring to you. Yes you. I have been studying you since you came to this world. I have seen what you have been doing. With your lies, nose, and your SINS. Just so you know, if anything, ANYTHING, happens with YOU involved...I will turn to drastic measures involving the police especially if you breathe. STOP TRYING TO HIDE. I WILL FIND YOU AND WILL possibly slap you with dino nuggies >:(. I KNOW WHAT YOU DID.