The most amazing person on the planet! No matter if you believe it or not, THAT is the definition. It’s normal to feel a little down sometimes, but if you just keep remembering the meaning of yourself it‘ll be alright...
You are amazing just the way u are
Australian slang for ' All of you' Or 'You are all', as with reference to more than one person. This is Aussie version of "Y'all"
"You's should all come to my gatho on the weekend", which translates to "You should all come to the gathering that I am having on the weekend'
"You's are all sh*t c@nts" , which softly translates to 'All of you are not very good people.'
You. You is perfect. You is a wonderful and caring thing. You is loved
Me: I am proud of you.
(Yes you. The person reading. I'm proud of you. I love you so much.)