when youre a little sad but you dont know why or what to do
person1: im like sad but not sad
person2 : same.
the failing attempt to get the attention of the opposite sex, characterized by grossly inapproproriate jokes, incomplete personal hygiene, and invasion of personal space.
When playing hard-to-get was ineffective Sam fell back on the sad-uction techniques that created nothing but ridicule in his early dating years.
A Sadness ellipsis is when you go into deep thought about something and you get sad. Like when you are talking to a girl you like and she talks about her boyfriend. Like the grammatical ellipsis, it can indicate a thought that makes you unfocused. Or, it can be used grammatically like a normal ellipsis just to emphasize something sad.
1. This girl just told me she has a boyfriend and I’ve only thought about that since. I hate Sadness ellipsis.
2. And you receive… a dent on your new car!!!!!
a word used to describe a hard working middle aged, semi-solemn individual who is hardworking, puts others over themselves and rarely tends to take care of themselves. It’s said their main coping mechanism is to eat every chance they get; which is where the same comes from.
person 1: I’ve talked to James before, he seems like a sad binge eater.
person 2: oh dear.
Slang for a child aged 0-3 years.
2-year-old child: WAAAAH!
Jacob: Go back to your mum, you sad onion.
When you're with your misso and she dumbs you so you come crying to the boys as a second options
Fuck me, Jordan was such a 'Sad Cunt' on Friday
Anyone who is whipped on a girl and says they aren’t, then one day a mate gets with that girl and he gets sad
Oh jack was such a ‘Sad Cunt’ the other day.