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Band-Aid AU

A type of alternate universe where the characters sustain none of the original trauma in their storyline, but therefore undergo other traumas that are a result of the change in their stories.

For example, if Snow White hadn't bitten the apple, her story would change drastically and she'd experience different traumas.

"I just came up with a new Band-Aid AU for the events of the Five Nights At Freddy's movie!"

by Tempermental moth September 22, 2023


he loves Misuco and he is willing to fight for her

proteting and careing

by jennifer December 15, 2003

Aid fuck

Where you have aids and you fuck someone

I have aid fuck

by Tandoori be February 2, 2021

mechanics band aid

A Home made band aid made of electrical tape and paper towels

I needed a bandaid so I made a mechanics band aid, made of electrical tape and a paper towel

by 1937265285 October 31, 2017

Aperture Science Computer-Aided Enrichment Center

In the portal games the Aperture Science Computer-Aided Enrichment Center is a large area in the Aperture Science facility in which many main test chambers are located, and where most of the testing involving portal guns and such takes place. Chell wakes up here in the first portal game.

“Hello, and, again, welcome to the Aperture Science Computer-Aided Enrichment Center. We hope your brief detention in the Relaxation Vault has been a pleasant one.

Your specimen has been processed and we are now ready to begin the test proper. Before we start, however, keep in mind that although fun and learning are the primary goals of all Enrichment Center activities, serious injuries may occur.

For your own safety, and the safety of others, please refrain from touching bzzzzzt

Por favor bordon de fallar Muchos gracias de fallar gracias

stand back. The portal will open in three. Two. One.”

by Hitmantheman January 31, 2024

Aiding and abetting accessory

Advising someone to commit a crime or helping someone to commit a crime even if u weren't the person who actually committed it

Aiding and abetting accessory

by Hiyalolasr January 23, 2025

AIDS Whore

A woman who has slept with many men and refuses to acknowledge she has AIDS. Gives it to her unborn.

Monica Arnold is an AIDS whore and she keeps trying to give it to other people.

by A Girl thats being harrassed March 4, 2024