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a guy who hangs out with all type of people,might follow friends home if bored

"brandon with this eable for this week"

by truePeopleTrueFacts December 15, 2015


He's a guy that loves his girlfriend and had a 30cm penis, he is probably

T-Bagging your girlfriend right now with his glorious balls, he has humor and can make girls laugh, brandons seem to be shorter than the rest but can still kick some ass if he wants to!
Brandons are all a Mr.Stealyourgirl
He is often doing something illegal with friends and gets into trouble.
the most important thing in his life are his girlfriend, friends and family.

I wished i was like Brandon... he gets all the girls...

i want to be like Brandon, he beats up everybody!

by ☢︎︎☢︎︎☢︎︎☢︎︎☢︎︎☢︎︎☢︎︎☢︎︎☢︎︎☢︎︎ January 1, 2022


Big dick having ass

He’s 100% a Brandon

by Gwosxjvicidisowjdhf May 11, 2019

Brandon s

You know who your are Brandon. U a bitch

Brandon s is a bitch

by The one and only Borat September 12, 2020


sexy and hot and big dick and has 1 million girlfriends and is hot and kind

person: hey
person: wow brandon you are really sexy please let me have sex with you please

by Igetshot October 16, 2020


An nickname for Joe Biden. The 46th president of the United States.

It originated from the popular phrase "lets go Brandon"

P1: why are the fuel prices so high?
P2: you can thank (president) Brandon for this.

by Ik ben goed July 22, 2022


The opposite of a simp

I’m not a simp, I’m a Brandon

by hylialee July 1, 2021