Source Code

Ethan Charles

A liability to any basketball team

You gonna pick Ethan Charles up?
Nah he went 0-10 and got his ankles broken last game.

by Hargoat65-17 June 4, 2021

Ethan Sinclair

A dude who can pull the rock’s eyebrow face too well. It shatters your skull. He judges you.


Ethan Sinclair: raises eyebrow

other person: dies

by Goat68 March 28, 2023

Ethan venn

Fake cunt

Ethan venn says I love u little do u know he’s lying

by Kdkfkf May 8, 2019

Pulling a ethan

When you be a complete retard and dont youse ur brain like how i spelled youse.

not yousing ur brain is pulling a ethan

by Rython July 18, 2018

Pulling a ethan

When you play girls or use multiple girls for your own pleasure leaving them confused

Yo Ben is pulling a ethan

by Erikka February 27, 2020

Pulling a ethan

When you play girls and use them leaving them confused

“Yo I just saw Ben pulling a ethan

by Erikka February 27, 2020

Ethan Adams


Hey is that Ethan Adams?

No that’s Cheese!

by Cheese The Grater October 23, 2019