A spanish teacher that only speaks spanish.
Is that Ms. island?
Yea she's a bad teacher.
Are you fucking shitting me!? Did somebody destroy those!? What the fuck!?
Hym "Whaaaaaaat the fuuuuck!? The easter island heads were FUCKING DESTROYED!!! Destroyed in a volcano caused wild fire or something! HOLY SHIT! Wow man, that is fucking WILD! Wow! That is some serious history to just lose like that.
A condom that washes ashore on a beach
I put a coney island cod fish on before banging my step mom on the beach.
The three drugs typically used in lethal injection. Sodium thiopental is used to induce unconsciousness, pancuronium bromide (Pavulon) to cause muscle paralysis and respiratory arrest, and potassium chloride to stop the heart.
He ought not to have assaulted that girl. Now he's in the pen waiting for that long island cocktail. Sad.
When you're getting fucked and he randomly pulls out a fucking 2×4 and sticks that bitch up your ass and it comes out of your mouth
My man gave me the Long island 2×4 and blood has been squirting out of my ass ever since. I think I have cancer. So life's pretty good right now.
Poopalazooka Island is where the Poopalazookians live. The first queen of Poopalazooka Island was Liana and the first king was her husband Rico
Where do you live?
oh poopalazooka Island
Now obviously STANFORD doesn't want you as they say in. BURLINGTON GAME as the convenience to WHOLE FOODS MARKET to TONGA , FIJI, MELANASIA just didn't PAN OUT as the ELDER ABUSE FRAME ANAL ALAN well this TONGA DUDE who made up a nonsense CHINESE WORD NAME LANG TU failed to not only extinguish the receipt to me but the ...ADULT CYAN IDE GA ME the card I picked "I AM A PIECE OF SHIT" KEVIN NISHITA " was SAN JOSE MEDIA MURDERED..plus the two bottles of PEDIALYTE as he kept them after I said there would be repercussions for ruining my TARGET MERCHANDISE AND SUITCASES Later YOGI from FIGI at the STANFORD HOTEL and the PENULTIMATE EVENT that all parties arrangement have him UNION CITY but due to this happening AMAZON has DECIDED TO STOP SELLING THAT GAME AT THEIR BOOKSTORES and ANDY JASSY has decided to send CHOP SHOP VILE CUMT plus has decides AMAZON ISLANDS CANCELLATION is in order.