Someone who likes to lick noses a bit too much, can go too far and lick the teacher's or boss's nose aswell.
The sexy girl is a nose licker
nose fishing is cat fishing your nose. When your nose appears small in pictures but in real life that shit look more arched than your backðŸ¤
person 1: Emely’s is a nose fishing ass bitch
person 2: nose fishing?
person 1: she got a fat ass nose in real life, but u wouldn’t know because-
person 2: because she nose fishing!!!🤣
The mucus some people are fond of digging out and promptly eating it, hot from the nose.
I watched the idle taxi driver enjoying a meal of nose nosh while he was waiting for a call.
When somethings smells really good and it feels like you’re getting a hug for your nose
Mmm! The cinnamon flavored coffee and steamy pumpkin bread gave me such great nose-hugs.
During Covid times when you saw a white woman with a facemask and wondered what shape her nose is while she is wearing a facemask her nose is all possible variations of a caucasian nose until she takes it off and you see the actual shape of her nose
That white girl in the facemask has a shrodingers nose it's simultaneously a nice nose and not nice nose until she takes of her facemask
1: slang term for the clitoris, e.g. I can see your cunt-nose poking out.
2: term of insult, e.g. Piss off you cunt-nose
"Yeah baby, lick my cunt-nose"
"Oi, cunt-nose, what do you think you're doing?"