Source Code

lucy shark

Absolute waster who throws up everywhere

Your such a Lucy shark

by Tomo Barry December 3, 2021


The only word on urban dictionary with no sexual definition

"Wow I'm surprised shark has no sexual definition on urban dictionary"

by deafinitionplshelpicanthear December 9, 2020


Plain old sea creature. Everyone knows it.

I love sharks.

by sfgbnbn March 21, 2023


An animal that resides underwater, you sick bastard. Get some help.

Jim : Hey let's do that 'shark' thing together
Tom : Jim what the fuck is wrong with you

by Generic_Name idk August 16, 2023


A animal in a water

It’s a shark in a pond!

by Bob 213 October 5, 2023


A way to have aquadic sex

Girlfriend: let's shark tonight.

Boyfriend: Which beach do you want to do it on.

The real definition is a aquadic sea creature that lives deaper on the ocean and feeds of smaller fish.

by Annomios April 10, 2022


You know why ur here XDXD


by Momma xD hehe April 26, 2023