Sentence that every instagram girl uses to promote stuff that they don't even use.
Use my code glamgirlxo to get 20 % off!
use that star code or get oofed
Peace is a lie. There is only Passion.
Through Passion I gain Strength.
Through Strength I gain Power.
Through Power I gain Victory.
Through Victory my chains are Broken.
The Force shall free me.
A force user who has the core beliefs of The Sith Code is a Sith
Peace is a lie. There is only Passion.
Through Passion I gain Strength.
Through Strength I gain Power.
Through Power I gain Victory.
Through Victory my chains are Broken.
The Force shall free me.
The core beliefs of a Sith from Star Wars are put together in The Sith Code
Peace is a lie. There is only Passion.
Through Passion I gain Strength.
Through Strength I gain Power.
Through Power I gain Victory.
Through Victory my chains are Broken.
The Force shall free me.
The core beliefs of the Sith put together in a mantrum is the Sith Code
Evil book often used to control kids.
Dude the government is trying to control us with the code of behavior.
When Jack and Jeremy fall at the exact same time, no matter the cause
When Jack threw a rubber ball at a wall, and it bounced then hit Jeremy in the head, we had a major Code “J”