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someone you want to crush to death

if you have a crush make sure to kill them quickly or else everyone will find out.
i recommend hiding the body in the dumpster

by poop man man poop March 18, 2021


The person you have a crush on will make you feel things you never knew you would feel. It's the butterflies, the late night thinkings about them. Its the moments you wish they liked you back, its the moments you wonder if they were really the one. A crush can crush you or fix you.. there is nothing else in between. I wonder why we called it a crush. Is it because they end up crushing us?

I once had a crush on him.. But he ended up crushing my heart, istead of fixing it.

by Choi Hee~ November 21, 2021


A crush is someone you like. A girl like a boy and a boy likes a girl

I like this Boy. He is my crush

by _Fxck_soph November 22, 2019


someone who will completely take over your life and make you feel a new sort of way.

Yeah, I have a crush on him.. I can't stop thinking about him!

Nah, there's no way I'd have a crush on her.

by _ramenoodles_ June 15, 2019


The one person who you hang out with who systematically kicks your ass at every game the two of you play.

Person 1: So, who’s your crush?
Person 2: James. Put 140 points on me playing 2K.
Person 1: *visible confusion*

by verifiedbruhmoment November 26, 2021


The person who gives you butterflies at first, makes you wanna run behind her/him and makes time go slow and fast at the same time.
Well, eventually you wish it never happened

Hey man, look there goes rosemary my first crush, I wish it never happened 😂

by Dumbguywhofellinlove July 23, 2020


This is if you have a crush on your best friend/ friend:

When their name is a notification on your phone and it makes you smile without even reading it

Your scared to take the risk and wonder if it’s worth taking the friendship to the next level but also what if it ruins the friendship?

If you do take that risk post it on tiktok with the sound electric love and I will love it!!

Person: you guys should be a couple!
The ‘friends’: we are just friends
Girl: ur friend is so hot, can I have his number

Friend that’s a girl: *gets mad because she secretly has a crush on him and even she doesn’t know it YET*

by crush.definitions January 7, 2022