A person whose personality and style is based off of rap culture, uses AAVE slang, is viewed as a wannabe gangbanger, throws up random gang signs, "daps people up", typically a middle or high school boy/girl. Also is usually a SoundCloud rapper and barely knows proper grammar.
Usually listens to Polo G, A Boogie, Lil Tjay, etc.
Usually has a Nike Tech/ red iPhone/ Bape/ Jordans/ Black Air Forces/ iPhone 7 or 8 Plus/ iPhone Xr
Common Phrases: "Wassup", "Wsg G", "Fye", "Slime", "Slatt", "My boi"
Nilah looks like such a jay with her red iPhone Xr and her Nike Tech; I wouldn't be surprised if she listens to Lil Tjay.
a classic jay is someone who loses all digital information frequently and never has it backed up - most often phone, computer, and email data.
my friend was just reading something on his phone and it just suddenly everything on his phone was deleted and he didn't have it backed up. What a classic jay move!
Big tall guy, can only do layups thinks he is from the hood, biggest guy but ass the biggest pussy.
Jay is gay
A crazy, independent, care for yourself type of person. The type of guy that loves fanfics and loves to spend 9 hours on a toilet.
Wow! What is Jay doing up there? *Fart*
Jay is a majestic human being who's never going to let you down for as long as you live. As long as you are with Jay, you'll feel as if you're the most special person on earth. Do not take Jay for granted, they'll do anything for you. They're loyal, funny, a bit mean at times but in their heart they're a nice person. They have great taste in style and will help you with whatever you need. They're ALWAYS confused but that's what makes them cuter. They love late night talks and is a bit deprived of rest but with trust and a promise they'll be back on track! They will protect you no matter what as long as you're right. Jay is the most trustworthy person you will ever meet right beside an Ollie. Make sure you take care of them at all times or you'll lose the best person to ever come into your life.
Love Jay with all of your existence and every atom in your body or you'll regret it.
That guy is such a Jay!
He must be a Jay, look at his style..!