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sassy walk

when you swing your hips and cross your arms when you walk.perfect way of demonstrating your current mood with a sassy finish.

jenna had a sassy walk

by eclipses moonlight day February 25, 2017

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Indian Walk

When old indian people walk down the middle of the fucking road.

vjaylakshmi went on an indian walk to get her exercise but was hit by an angry driver.

by nigggajojo123 March 12, 2017

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ten-minute walk

A euphemism, used with one's parents, for 'going for a smoke'.

Ma: why does Jo keep going for these ten-minute walks?
Pa: why did I marry you?

-enter Jo, smelling strongly of tobacco-

Ma: *angst*

by wiffwaff January 14, 2012

The Cameroonian Crab Walk

When a Dark toned man from Cameroon gets into a crab like position, with his asshole wide and ready, then chases down small black children until they run out of breath and eventually get swallowed into his Chocolate Starfish.

"4 kids fell victim to the Cameroonian Crab walk so far"

by ThePolishPrincess January 19, 2023

Taking the dub and walking

When you proceed to clap someoneโ€™s cheeks in a video game and walking away after said clapping has been done


Sam: Letโ€™s play again different map

Nick: Naw bro Iโ€™m taking the dub and walking

by FattySpit2 March 16, 2019

advanced walk of shame

Post coital venture home from childhood neighborhood wearing same ensemble as previous evenings scandalous romp with soiled sheets in tow.

Advanced walk of shame......Period, pee, shit....any bodily function not wished to be exhibited on new lovers bed-sheets.

by poppin tapioca May 16, 2010

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piss on it and walk away

A) what a dog does with anything it can't chew or play with

B ) a variation of 'spit on it and walk away': walk away, from any experience, even a negative one, with your head held high and move onto bigger and better things, rather than let said experience frustrate you.

In terms of anger management, our youth should learn what piss on it and walk away definition b) means.

by Sexydimma April 21, 2017