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Internet Wrestling Community

Internet Wrestling Community (IWC for short). One of the biggest cop out phrases in all of wrestling. Newsflash, if you are online and looking at this definition and are a wrestling fan, even if you only watch WWE, YOU ARE THE IWC. This is not 1997 where less than 20 percent of wrestling fans have internet access, this is the 2010's where 99 percent of fans have access online. So if you are a wrestling fan, have online access, talk about wrestling at all on any website forum or YouTube, guess what, YOU ARE THE INTERNET WRESTLING COMMUNITY.

What those elitist fans (smarks) should be called is Internet Smarks, because IWC is such a copout and if you are talking about the elitist and say the Internet Wrestling Community, you are in fact saying that 99 percent of wrestling fans are elitist pricks.

Jason: Scott, you members of the Internet Wrestling Community are all the same.
Scott: IWC is such a copout, and I'm not even a smark
Jason: you go online and talk about pro wrestling
Scott: You do too, so what's your point?
Jason: My point is that you are a member of the Internet Wrestling Community
Scott: So are you, if you have access to the internet and talk about wrestling online, you are the IWC.

by My Name Is Hugh...Mungus August 17, 2010

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Internet Pitchfork Mob

The internet version of a torch and pitchfork mob. A group of angry people raging about a problem that rapidly gains supporters, taking over topics, comment sections and product reviews with rage posts. Tramples anyone who doesn't agree mercilessly.

Commonly occurs in response to controversial topics or unpopular actions by corporations and/or the government.

The game's been broken for two days and there's an Internet Pitchfork Mob on the forums and in the amazon reviews!

by Laharl25 March 11, 2013

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The Internet Raptureโ„ข

The theory that Youtubers will be charged with a felony by a yet to be approved bill (Bill S.978) with a possible penalty of up to 5 years in prison for uploading a video containing copyrighted content which to the alarmists indicates the end of the Internet as we know it.

The Internet Raptureโ„ข is coming... soon it will be illegal to do karaoke or play games and upload it to Youtube.

by AvidyaUS July 2, 2011

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The dress that broke the internet

A dress someone posted online that for some odd reason have people seeing it as white and gold, and some people seeing it as blue and black. It's blue and black and the company that made the dress even confirmed it.

Sally showed the dress that broke the internet to her dad and he said that it was white and gold.

by xboxsuckspsftw February 27, 2015

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Internet Hate Machine

A group of deprived, psychotic, individuals who call themselves Anonymous and live on the internets. Their only reason for living is to make others lives a living hell.

Because of the internet hate machine, we had to buy a dog and curtains.

by aยญnonymous January 13, 2008

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Internet White knight

Internet White Knight also known as White Knight's, are individual's whom are usually quick to defend those which are assumed to be female. White Knights have expectations that some brownie points will be earned for defending women on the internet. Internet White Knights are notable on most online video games and are often easily to spot after trolling females.

Internet White knights never get laid, nude pictures, phone numbers, or any type of reward when saving the damsel in distress.

BoBtheTaco: Hey John watch this.

PornTrooper: Okay.

BoBtheTaco: Hey elizabeth2010 isn't your call of duty to the

XxEm0Soldier420xX: Hey leave her alone you fat ugly nerd.

BoBtheTaco: saving her won't get you in her pants Internet White Knight.

by FloodedFloors September 21, 2010

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You suck at the internet

What you tell newbies on forums or message boards that show you a website that has been reposted about 20 million times.

rodchunks - Go to funnyjunk.com. you will find awesome stuff that is funny as hell.

Blacksupra94 - Are you new to the internet?

MadDawg - You suck at the internet

by Joe August 5, 2004

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