Implying that you can see a friends/strangers penis during an awkward circumstance, this phrase is most often used in showers or at swimming pools. the phrase was coined by Russell Howard in 2011.
you: "nice dick terry"
recipient "thank you"
a nice puff is a good blow of cocaine. it's commonly used in school as a code word.
girl: you got the nice puff?
boy: i got to get it out my locker hold on.
When your homie starts hanging out/ dating a girl and you are alone
Mark: Damn nathan just hugged that girl
Gian: Mus be nice
John: Mus be nice
Kevin: Mus be nice
Very disrespecful word to say in another discord server. You should never use this or else a kick might be comming.
"Nice tof, chkoun li swrek jatek tswira zwina"
#kick @Sakai
when a guy with inverted balls tries complimenting a girl
guy with inverted balls: you have nice knees
attacked girl: swear??? *blushes*
Work in a corporate setting everyone has to be nice, when really can’t stand someone. If an issue comes up, people are nice about it, but will get angry and complain to a supervisor. Demanding a request using nice words. Like Minnesota or Texas nice, but in a corporation.
I thought he was fine when I told him a conference room was not available. He complained to my supervisor. He was being corporate-nice.
If you could work on Saturday, that would be great. Demanding to work on Saturday or will be consequences. Supervisor was being corporate nice.
Nays -wan -bebi
embarrassing and disgusting words of mother fucking gross asf lover in codm.
(you are a single player who just wants to play codm peacefully and happily, and then maya maya you open your mic then you hear two couples like)
Me : (open the microphone)
Toxic boy: nice one baby
Cringe girl: owshiii!! (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤
Me:( choose to restrain myself, trying to ignore this crap conversation)