John Alan used this term to refer to Kanye West after he tweeted that women being called bitches in rap is a term of endearment.
MIke: Did you hear Kanye's new album?
Dave: Ya, that recursive-circle-jerk-shit-bag is misogynistic.
On October 14th, this national holiday will be a free day to please yourself. This is the one time of year to masturbate, unless you're a sinner.
It's national jerk off day!! Finally!!
When your right arm is worn out from all that jerking off.
My boy Matt needs to start switch jerking, his right arm looks like Hulk.
When somebody is both jerkin it and not jerking at the same time they could have sticky hands while nobody knows
Bludbro: i think im jerking it but im not jerking it
Blawg: huhh well how do you know
Bludbro: idk i just feel it its like the schrodingers jerk session
A turk jerk is a sexual act where someone inserts a piece of turkey jerky into the vagina or anus with the tip of their tongue. Usually common among Turkish people, where the giver of the penetration is also Turkish.
Yusuf: "Hey why're you walking funny?"
Azra: "Oh me and Berat were turkin jerkin in my göt."
Enes: "Have you heard about the new move called the turk jerk?"
Furkan: "Ah yeah man! That's my fav porn genre!"
This is actually not dirty. It refers to the interference during the Cubs almost-win in the World Series. It is a Chicago slang term. It refers to the man who "knocked" the ball out of the glove of a player that "cost the Cubs the World Series".
Ya you know, da guy who cost da Cubs da World Series, dat guy's a jerk-wad ball toucher. Dat's what he is.
the sexual act of dressing an old homeless person and giving the a hand job, then letting them cum in a jar that is then emptied into a cauldron and mixed with different types of herbs. then the concoction is given to the same homeless person as a drink without telling him how it was made
"did you hear about the mass wizard jerking incident!? it was insane!"