When one individual is very gay you call them a rocket femboy
Hey issac i hear zibart is a rocket femboy
Doing a line of coke off of someone’s dick.
Things got pretty wild last night when people started doing dick rockets off Joes dick.
A sexual position where two topping males finish in a lady by cumming in each of her nostrils and allowing her to snot rocket it out. If she snorts it then it's what's call Post-Cum Drip.
Dude me and Clay finished our swinging last night with a cumming snot rocket
When a girl is on her period and suddenly sneezes and a giant blood rocket shoots out of her
"god bless you, Tina"
"Thanks. I'm on period so you know how that goes"
"Blood rockets suck! They just blow out of you!"
When a chick wearing high heels crushes your balls, then makes you ejaculate red.
"Honey I could really use a blood rocket right now!"
"Really? But we had pasta last night."
"Please, I NEED this.'
"Fine, lay down on the carpet."
The act of pouring hot sauce down your weiner while getting pegged.
Me and my girl tried an Arizona Fire Rocket last weekend.
put a nitrous boost engine inside the pussy, turn it on, hit air dribble while girl bites dick, and then boost engine lights up girls pubes