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Salty Celery

The penis of a vegan.

Person 1: "Hey did you know that guy you've been screwing is a vegan?"
Person 2: "Yeah man he's got that salty celery!"

by Fuckbad Sexbang September 7, 2016

salty sandy screamer

A sandy screamer that uses salt mixed into the sand.

That salty sandy screamer hurt WAY worse than a regular sandy screamer.

by englishhotpocketmaster October 24, 2010

Salty Oklahoma

When you start getting hot and heavy and instead of putting on a condom, you pour at minimum 6 packets of iodized salt into her vagina.

“Yo Chad I heard you banged Linda!”

“Yeah man she was an easy rider

“I thought you said you didn’t have condoms tho.”

“It’s alright I just gave her a salty Oklahoma.”

by KeithTheAssBasket November 8, 2019

Salty Canal

Having sex with your girlfriend while she has a yeast infection.

Bro, I totally took a swim down the salty canal!

by Iloveturtlesjustbecause March 4, 2016

salty nachos

A form of gay foreplay including one man ejaculating onto a chip and feeding it to his partner

Hey man before we start this thing, let’s have a salty nacho first” salty nachos- noun

by J-ezzle December 20, 2017

salty edward

A circle of smoked cheese wrapped around some ridge cut salted crisps

Man I could sure do with smashing a few salty Edwards into my repugnant shmeckle

by Shrivelled dingus August 22, 2019

Salty Santa

When a male ejaculates onto a someones (usually lovers) face and allows it to dry up, thus forming a greyed beard like santa.

Woman - "I let david give me a salty santa last christmas"

by rettican December 15, 2017