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Tiger Shot

An energy drink that is referred to as "Tiger Piss". Has as many MG's of caffiene as Red Bull. but not nearly as tastey.

Basically, just get some bawls. because Tiger Shot is disgusting.

Joe: Hey Clint, thats 1250 MG's of caffiene

Clint: *Flails around in hysteria* This stuff taste like tiger piss. but i can't stop drinking it.

by iwannabeanalcoholic April 2, 2005

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dry shot

The ingestion of a handful of powder, such as cinnamon. A thoroughly unpleasant experience, due to the difficulty of swallowing that amount of such a dry substance without water. Regret sets in almost immediately, as the subject will notice the powder of choice caking up and sticking to every surface in the mouth. Full recovery can take hours.

Best performed in groups, or as a dare.

I just did a dry shot. I have to say, it was one of the worst experiences in my life.

Hey, you wanna do a dry shot? I just tried it, it's totally awesome!

by adralemechk August 26, 2010

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moke shot

to be shot by a moke and then die in the middle of waianae

that niggah was moke shot by a couple local cunts

by yakuza mofo November 24, 2006

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triple shots

When one has three shots of a spirit in quick succession (i.e. one after the other). Done in a competition to see who is the most hardcore and who can tolerate their alcohol the most. The brave do this with spiritus (90% alcohol).

There is no winner, however. Unless you vomit, then you're a fucking lightweight and fail at life. Triple shots is also the fastest way to get drunk.

I got so fucked last night after doing three triple shots in an hour, I showered with my pants on and passed out next to my friend totally nude. No homo.

by LJman February 16, 2014

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Ass Shot

The act of inserting a bottel of alcohol into partners anal cavity and slurping it out.

An Ass Shot is done While having sex in doggie position, insert thumb into partners butthole for 3 mins. After three mins remove thumb which will then leave Anus puckering like lips about to kiss. Then insert your favorite alcoholic beverage into anus and allow only one gulp. Immediately after suck alcohol out of partners anus quickly because ingesting alcohol via the anus can be lethal. Once alcohol is out of anus, you and your partner can both enjoy your buzz.

by Danny Malibu October 18, 2016

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jfk shot

to shoot some1 in da head with a sniper rile

first blue guy: Dude i just a jfk shot with da sinper on dat red guy

2nd blue guy: nice nukka

by CJ aka mace windu 76 August 2, 2006

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shot caller

One who purchases "called shots" (IE those that are more expensive such as Hennessy or Grey Goose) rather than cheaper "well" drinks.

If you can afford 20 inch blades on your Impala, you should also be a "shot caller" and get Grand Marnier instead of Albertsons Brand triple-sec like a scrub.

by Elitist Bartender April 21, 2006

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