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Second hand smoke

When you try to help your nigga in his beef but you get your ass beat in the process

Damn Tanner got that second hand smoke from tryna help his buddy

by CoonBasket December 14, 2018

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Going to get smokes

A phrase that is used as a euphemism for leaving one's family.

"What happened to your dad?"

"Oh he said he was going to get smokes. But that was 3 years ago..."

by TheCheat420 August 9, 2022

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It’s fun to smoke marijuana

The only thing is that I don’t know how to do it

It’s fun to smoke marijuana

by WorseThanHitler January 23, 2021

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indian smoke signal

During intercourse a man takes a few puffs of a (cigarette, blunt, pipe, etc) and blows the smoke into his partners vagina where she then proceeds to push out the smoke.

Her vagina was a homemade fog machine after doing the Indian smoke signal.

by Tha-SpanishJoker April 17, 2018

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Smoke 'n Stroke

smoking up before and/or while playin a round of golf.

akc you extremely ridiculously amazingly sexy bitch, lets pull a smoke 'n stroke at the country club today

by CG '06 February 23, 2006

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smoke some bones

The act of smoking crack.

They ain't no shame in my game...you wanna go smoke some bones in the basment.

by Vanorton June 29, 2006

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Smoke Boning

Smoke Boning occurs when two or more people smoke in a close proximity of each other. All you will need is a pair of tits, and obviously smoke. The first step is to take a hit from any smoking device of your choice and then immediately proceed to slowly blow the smoke down the female's cleavage.

**For a more dramatic effect, play the most ignorant rap song on your playlist while you smoke bone. (ie. "Goldie" by A$AP Rocky)**

"I love smoke boning bitches"
Past tense examples:
"I just smoke boned that girl's tits!"
"Yo son, i jus smoke boned dat bitch."
"You jus got smoke boned, bitch!"

by DJ x-cess May 10, 2012

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