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God Mother or God Mama

Ga-Mama your legal godmother example evans god mama is the best and is the nicest italian person ever

by thaa kidd evan July 21, 2008

Clout Gas

Clout Gas simply put would be Vape Smoke. (only normies call it Vape Smoke)

"Dude there are so many high schoolers infecting the bus that i ride with Clout Gas."

by TotallyNotA_Normie February 6, 2019

LD gas

That loud pack. Top tier gas gas pressure

“Yo come smoke” “I can’t I’m at work” “nigga it’s that LD GAS” “ ok omw!!”

by simpincorperated November 14, 2020

inert gas asphyxiation

lol why are you searching that up, pasta man?

you don't have any... PLANS... do you?

why urban dictionary of all places anyway?

are you just being edgy?

whatever you're going through, i believe in you, hypothetical internet person.

you've survived 100% of your worst days. statistically, you can do this!

I've heard that inert gas asphyxiation is the least painful way to die, so my idiot sleep-deprived self wrote an Urban Dictionary definition to help people who were searching for it. I am fully aware that this idea is pointless.

by Mr. Twinkieface December 14, 2023

cutting the gas

To choke yourself/partner during intercourse or masturbation or intentionally restrict the oxygen to the brain for pleasure

"She's a proper little dirty. Into getting her gas cut" "when we fuck how about cutting the gas?"

by staceysays January 31, 2015

Northside Highschool (Columbus GA)

There are too many people. The principal looks like Abraham Lincoln. My sister used to have a crush on him wtf. The classes are okay depending on which ones you have. Other than that, it's pretty boring. There aren't many fights or a lot of drama so it's pretty okay.

Northside Highschool (Columbus GA) is so boring.

by Little Sweetmeat October 17, 2022

Gas Crack

Crack between one's butt cheeks, especially of an elderly person as seniors release a lot of gas.

Bob always fantasized about burying his face all night in a big booty woman''s Gas Crack.
Judith loved licking Ray's Gas Crack as soon as he gets home from golfing.

by PTHalifax April 28, 2019