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sum face

The most amazing insult you could ever give someone. Sum face can be used as a subsitute for cum face.

Parag is such a sum face!

by Chelsee May 7, 2005

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Face Taint

That area of your face between your top lip and your nose.
It taint quite your nose and taint quite yours lip.

He kicked me right in the Face Taint.

by Joel and Cherrie December 29, 2011

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Slur Face

1- Funny looking mouth thing.
2 - A chick who looks like a Slur
3- A slut

Damn that bitch has a Slur Face

by BOTI is MAD October 19, 2009

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athlete's face

Itchy, peeling, stinky red face. Normally caused by, or associated with being, working class or lower. Poor man's skin affliction and infection, which results in soreness, redness and flakiness. Can also be caused by having a borderline alcoholic issue.

Did you see Alex Ferguson the other night? looked like he a had real bad bout of athlete's face.

by HastonVilla October 25, 2013

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face bitching

bitching in a whining fashion on facebook and nobody really cares.

face bitching status update: aw....i have to go to work AGAIN!? why me?

by amanda2169 September 28, 2010

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your face

the most stupid comeback in the history of freakin history

Person 1: You're such an idiot
Person 2: YOUR FACE!!

by TheBeatlesRock!! December 24, 2010

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bottle to the face

when one drinks the entire contents of a bottle of liquor, typically all in one sitting.

michelle: that test fucking blew
jessica: yea it did... lets take a bottle to the face tonight

by jjzoo October 24, 2008

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