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William jenkins

A guy who knows how to handle massive cock

William jenkins knows his way around chicken

by KlusekPL June 27, 2021

dorian williams

He is nice and big swole. Has a large cock and has probably fucked your mom he can bench press you while fuckin your mom.

Dorian Williams fucked my bitch :(

by I wanna fuck Kylie Jenner January 11, 2019

Sam beach Williams

A massive raging woofter a bender an arse bandit even

Damn you just got penetrated by a tranny "what a sam beach Williams moment"

by Sam beach Williams February 18, 2024

Stephan Williams

A boy who is able to steal the hearts of many but is really picky about who and what he wants. Normally good at either Mathematics or Information Technology, he is considered very smart among his peers but may come off as lazy and too direct at times

Friend: "Yo Stephan Williams, my guy. Wanna study?"
Stephan Williams: No. Gonna play some Fifa"

by Trezegaye December 30, 2021

William James Livings

William James livings is a disturbed type of beast, he likes sticking his hands in his mouth after peeling off parts of his fungal disease from his foot. Not only that, it makes a habit of snotting on people’s shoulders, while pleasing themselves. Stay away

I’m distgusted it’s a “William James Livings”

by Angus Hands February 19, 2024

Duffy woodcock wet william HHH hill rollin oovoo java jackhammers CAF

The ideal name of a trio of people consisting of one guy and two girls who are very funny and hot

Hey, did you see the Duffy woodcock wet william HHH hill rollin oovoo java jackhammers caf at wing stop this weekend? It was awesome!

by DWWWHHHHOJJCAF March 22, 2024

Dan william

Dan William is a really hot dude that could Get with anyone

“See that guy over there?” “Oh Yeah hes a total dan william!”

by Exemoblueberry November 21, 2021