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you are beautiful inside and out. always love yourself and accept your personality.

you are a legend.

by hello.there<3 October 9, 2022


The person reading this

you are amazing

by Stickingoutyougyat October 30, 2023


Someone reading this definition

Someone reading this definition

by Brendan’s_Ex July 2, 2018


A clown

your a clown,yes!

by thefunnydudenotfunnyanymore December 14, 2021


you are a good person
please help us good people stop the jokes with the "stuff" in it
god bless you if you do

Don't you agree with me?

by The FATTY of Urban Dictionary October 3, 2019


The lame ass loser that has no life and is reading this.

The real reason why you have no friends because no one fucking likes you and you're easily the lamest person in the fucking world.

by SaturnZoom March 20, 2023


A counter used for addressing more than one person or a group you .

Person 1 : “Hey man what are yous up to ?”
Person 2 : “ah were just going to get some beers at the pub , are yous coming?”
Person 1: “yeah man let’s go.”

by Snoax November 14, 2020