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deaf aid

deaf aid is a bluetooth device which looks just like a hearing aid

look at the size of that deaf aid that bloke is using

by tru trix November 19, 2008


Artificial intelligence induced autoimmune disease. When your immune system attacks your neuralink chip. The resulting symptoms may require you to take immunosuppressants as to not be attacked by your own immune system.

Steven got AI-AIDS and can’t leave his house anymore

by Naazax May 15, 2023


A short sweet girl that is willing to help anyone in need. She always carries a smile on her face and loves making friends. Thought her name is very rare but beautiful when you meet an Aide never let her go. She’ll make your day and always laugh at your unfunny jokes. She’s loyal, adorable, and the smartest person on earth. Her smile is addicting along with her laughter. She has high standards in a guy a rightfully so if you ever end up dating her never hurt her because she has a very sensitive side. She cries pretty easily but tries to act tough. She is like the mom of the group always caring for her friends and keeping them responsible. Though she is always willing to help and be a great teacher she also needs to be taken care of. She can be shy but also very outgoing and is also open minded. Aide is the best person on earth everyone should have an aide in their lives.

Aide looks like a hamster.

Aide’s best friend is Valerie

by -VV <3 February 28, 2023


Is a girl that is really short usually under 5 feet and has had too many boyfriends to count, chances are she was just out of another "bad" relationship and that she is not on good terms with them. She takes things way too seriously and has trouble deciphering what is a joke and what isn't. She has very good hearing as she knows all the gossip about everyone around her, she is also very outgoing as she will talk to anyone. She likes to think of herself as a psychic as she can pick up vibes from someone and determine whether they are worth her time or not, like her own little spidey sense.

Girl 1: "That guy looks miserable"
Girl 2: "Didn't you hear"
Girl 1: "No?"
Girl 2: "He is with Aide"
Girl 1: "Oh, now I get it"
Girl 2: "Poor guy honestly hard not to feel bad for him"

by YourMomsCoochie February 8, 2022


Aide is a sexy boy who makes every girl drool over him. And he’s a hood home boy.

Who is dope and Has fame.

Aide your so hot.

by TjayDaGoat June 9, 2020


To be the guy with the fattest dick and is able to get all the bitches and ever hoe wants him and wants to jump on his dick

"See that aide?"
"Yea Id loved to fuck him"

by Thatguywithahugecock June 5, 2020




There's a place where old people live and have access to nurse, doctors and aides who can help them whit the tasks...

by Rick Garden December 14, 2017