(n.) The currency of the United States and its' dependancies. Has been steadily increasing in power since first inception. In the mid 20th century it was approx ยฃ1= $4 as the united states became the superpower of the post-war era. The dollar peaked at ยฃ1= $.65, and is slowly dropping in value as the US begins its' economic descent, paving the way for another superpower; without a steadfast empire, no country or region can remain the superpower(s) of the world for long. Within a century of losing the empire, country will slide down the power league. This has been seen in Britain and France, and before that, the spark-empire of Spain, which was later sold cheaply to the US. This empire lasted only a short amount of time, and caused some degree of embarrassment when lost.
The american dollar will have a residual value once the US loses its' grip of around $2.5-3.5 to the sterling.
11๐ 19๐
Possibly the biggest television show of all time. A love it or hate it reality show showcasing fresh undiscovered talent amidst brutal competition. A successfully phenomenal television show bombarding TV ratings, record sales, and phone networks. Its formula has taken it to 22 different countries, defining itself as an enormous achievement ever in television history.
30๐ 65๐
a real sport... all u foreign bullshit faggots, dont kno shit. pads are there cause were pussies. pads are there because of the fucking 160 lb of all muscle guy runnign at u full speed ready to rip ur head off... soccer is for pansies.. runn down a field kicking ball. the worst thing u hafta worry abot if someguy sliding to steal the ball and you tripping... ow.... now put a 150 pound linebacker and try to not get hurt.. pussies
plus, its not 22 fat guys runnign around bumping for 5 seconds. plays could last a long time. then u only have 40 senconds for the next play, not five minutes..... funning for 90 minutes easy
running for an hor and having guys trying to kill u, not easy
im lucky, i play defense
52๐ 122๐
Another term for the institution of slavery and the historical aftermath which persists into present day United States.
The American genocide is alive and well as the Racist In Chief gives voice to such a longstanding depth of hatred.
15๐ 27๐
a) The greatest luxury RV of all time. Real marble counters and a vibrating bed for the best sex EVER!!!!!!!!!!
b) When a man can be a man, a women can be a women, and a man can be a women with a fake vagina.
c) Fast food, lots of sex, tattoos, buying food stamps off homeless people for 50 bucks, and SNAKES ON A PLANE.
d) Being able to pay a hooker in McBucks.
e) When it is okay to masturbate to "A Christmas Story".
f) All of the above, plus Santa Claus.
Man 1: I'm living the American dream.
Man 2: If you have a fake vagina please don't tell me!!!
Man2 shoots Man1, takes his money, fucks his wife, and buys a pizza.
14๐ 26๐
A lame attempt at punk rock. By the biggest poser/horrible/emo band ever, Green Day. Inspires stupid emo kids to slit their wrists.
(Billie Joe comes out of nowhere)
Billie: I have control over you lonely depressed teenage emo girl. Join my ranks of stupid posers who call themselves punk and 80% of us eventually commit suicide b/c we are emo fags.
depressed teenage emo girl: I am at your control (slits wrists)
29๐ 63๐
a show everyone watches but afraid to admit it. yes, even the guys.
simon is sexy and makes the show much better
29๐ 63๐