A secret force that punishes those who need to be punished, it come only on Tuesdays and strikes fear in men's eyes
William: Jacques, did you just namaak?
Jacques: Yes, because I'm muck.
William: Oh shit, the darkness definitely heard you, you are going to get crimed and are going to loop on Tuesday
even my goodness as a person was questioned (total bullshit)- basically a message that was completely baseless and formed in some dark corner of his imagination...
A closeted gay man.
Matt is a rainbow in the dark
Dark Secrets,le prix du sang. A crime novel of the french author Alexandre Schoedler.
Describing an elusiv criminal wich shadow is lurking upon several cities like New York,Los Angeles,Las Vegas and french riviera cities in France like Cannes(you know,the film festival XO) Nice and Monaco.
A action thriller full of crazy things, like sadistic yakuzas,a woman with several identities,a pervert cop,gambling scenes in stylish palaces in Monte Carlo (my God,so chiiiic)and weird trips like the taxi driver escape or the ambulance kidnapping with a crazy nurse,or the pool jump from a hotel roof! Some killers also of the russian mob and so on. Just a mad novel wich is in the climax of Pulp Fiction and so.
Its only a rumor, no one believe he exists, an urban legend...But some say they worked for him... Dias !
Dark Secrets
One of big daddy kane's nicknames
You'll be Gone With the Wind for messin with Dark Gable
Last night my girlfriend let me get a burrito after dark
Online purchasing behavior is not linear, but the classic attribution model wants it to be. Instead, most leads come in via word of mouth that's untrackable. In-person chats, DMs, Slack conversations, podcast mentions, etc.
Because you can't measure those, it's called the dark funnel.
I've heard that Wynter gets all its leads through the dark funnel