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Zombiae style

Zombiae style or also known as Zombie style(ZOm-Beee) is a fighting style created by Kai Webs it uses a swift motion to evade attacks an is mosty used for confuseing a opponent by moveing side to while swinging your arms with out hold,it also uses epic fast spining kick to overwelm a opponent it rarely uses punches but has a series of grabs that runs fluidly into kicks.The fighter has to be strong an fast to use zombiae or it will be useless.It is not ment for a fighter who plans on fighting a foe with a high level of fighting skill,It should be uses only to train or spar a lower skilled fighters with out hurting them by countering with a punch.

Little kid:I want to learn kung fu teach me
Fighter:No,first i want see what you know about fighting try fighting me while i use zombiae style

by The NinjaKai December 10, 2011

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'Nam style

The act of going hard or extreme on any aspect of life. Such as training extra hard for a sport, trying your best at something physical, improvising or taking large risks, giving something all you got, and going over the top. The term is influence by the Vietnam War when soldiers had to fight against terrible odds and endure an extreme fighting condition.

"Hey man, you totally went 'Nam style on that 800m run, you beat your time by 18 seconds!"

"When I went hiking in West Virginia and got lost I had to go 'Nam style. I didn't eat for three days and had to hike 4 miles with a broken leg.."

by Regulator18 April 27, 2012

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kitty style

alternative to doggy style, it is a intense sexual position involving little kids.

"I just did kitty style on that toddler" Sandra

by IFuckedYourMomLastNight123 January 18, 2022

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Frontie Style

To have anal sex with partner reverse Doggie style. Ie facing one another.

Man, she was tired of my balls slamming her swollen vagina so I gave it to her frontie style instead.

by rdsworks May 24, 2009

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Oakland Style

Sexual foreplay consisting of two or more people standing naked several feet away from each other without ever touching, taking turns raping each other with their eyes.

Yeah, it wasn't performance art, we were just going at it Oakland Style.

by Abraham Thunderwolf October 16, 2011

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Ballerina Style

A way to describe the footwork of Ted on the football pitch


by A.Benko February 22, 2019

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Gimp Style

Adv: Fucking like a parapaledgic

Dude, that bitch just laid there during sex. She fucks gimp style.

by TheBIGGESTpicture August 26, 2008

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