When the woman rides a man and goes up twice saying "Up, Up", goes backwards twice saying "Down, Down", shakes left to right twice ssaying "Left, Right, Left, Right", then moves both of his balls while saying "B" then "A", then both as she bounces saying "Start".
She demonstrated Konami Coding to him by riding him as if he was her own personal Bandai Namco joystick.
In web development, when a web developer requires to see changes made in code quickly, they use applications that provide the mechanism called Hot Code Push. Applications or libraries that support this mechanism offer quicker development. This mechanism is mostly seen to be in use during front-end Web Development or web designing.
"As a Web Designer I rely on gruntJs a lot as it speeds up my work due to its hot code push functionality. Restarting the server after every change used to be real hectic."
Code that is never executed might be perfectly bug-free, or it might be spaghetti. Until it is built and a full suite of tests is run against it, there is absolutely no way to know which state it’s in.
John Doe: "Was that code ever run?"
Diana: "No..."
John Doe: "Then it's Schrödinger's Code"
Alternative words or phrases used by content creators to avoid having their accounts deleted from big tech platforms. A form of self censorship.
Originally, signs or symbols left around towns or in the countryside by hobos to send messages or warnings to other hobos.
In order to avoid the censorship algorithm I had to speak in hobo code.
Alternative words or phrases used by content creators to avoid having their accounts deleted from big tech platforms. A form of self censorship. Originally, signs or symbols left around towns or in the countryside by hobos to send messages or warnings to other hobos.
In order to avoid the censorship algorithm I had to speak in hobo code.
When a person has double barrel snot running down thier nose.
Honey get Johnny a tissue he has a code eleven.
1. A best creating and coding company.
2. To create and code.
3. Making a project in any coding company.
Make a project to create and code.