A typical british person who often has a tendency to lisp and play a wide majority of Video games or complains about These So Called "Video Games" from time to time,
aw This Cracker Bulb Only Does it for the YtMoney
Person who cuts through the jargon to get to the crux of the message; a Bullshit Detector
"There's no use trying to 'blag it' when you speak to her, she'll see right through what you say - she's a real clever cracker"
Crackeritis is a thing or "condition" that is used to describe people who are mixed with white and something else and tend to appear light skinned/pale.
person one: dude are u white?
person two: nah man, just got crackeritis.
When a white person eats too much food and gets tired so he has the itis
My wife made a whole bunch of food that I ate on super bowl Sunday. I ate a whole bunch of it and I am white so therefore I have crackeritis
When a man randomly grabs someone off the sidewalk, drags them into an alley and gives them a muddy Sanchez after tea bagging them then he proceeds to viciously rape them before setting them free
I just gave someone a dirty cracker there face turned white!!!!
not just an ordinary nut tap but a tap that involves a 6 pack of your choice of crackers (peanut butter or cheese) that is forcefully jolted toward your genital area resulting in a nut tap.
" Ouch i just got cracker tapped!"
" Zach is known to cracker tap, cover your junk"
Y'all a bunch of sprinkled crackers you fucks.